3CX Firewall Checker Client Application Helps Troubleshoot Remote Extensions

The 3CX Firewall Checker Client Application helps to test the firewall that sits in front of a 3CX Phone system, but also the configuration of the PBX itself. This is useful for when the 3CX Firewall Checker within the Management Console succeeds all tests, but remote clients still present issues. The 3CX Firewall Checker Client Application helps to determine if this is a network, firewall, or other issue.

3CX Firewall Checker Client Application

Using the 3CX Firewall Checker Client Application

Download the 3CX Firewall Checker Client Application: http://downloads.3cx.com/downloads/3CXFirewallCheckerClientApplication.zip

Note: The Firewall Checker has to be run from a properly configured remote environment.

For the client to work with its default settings the following ports need to be open:

SIP Port UDP: 5091
RTP Ports UDP: Range 11000 – 11015

  • Unzip the downloaded file and run “RemoteConnectionTest.exe”.
  • Provide following details:
    • The external IP adress or FQDN of the 3CX Phone System and the SIP port in the following format:x.x.x.x:SIPport
    • Optional: Proxy Server IP Address.
    • STUN Server: Use default “Use SIP server as STUN”.
    • The extension authentication details (This can be an existing extension or an extension created for testing purposes).
  • Click “Start Test”.

The steps that 3CX Firewall Checker Client Application takes are:

  1. Resolves the FQDN.
  2. Sends a STUN request to the 3CX Server.
  3. Tries to register to the PBX using the extension authentication details provided.
  4. Makes a one minute call to the echo test System Extension (*777) and analyses if RTP packets are received.
  5. Makes a call back test to the System Extension (*888) and analyses if inbound call and audio packets are received.

3CX Firewall Checker Client Application Pass